What is in that pill??

 What are you intaking that might actually be doing harm to you?

Recently I purchased a women’s supplement bundle as I felt that maybe I needed to increase certain vitamins and minerals as I am entering an age bracket and should consider supplementing for my body’s needs. I followed the steps to take them and started to experience lethargic symptoms. The brand advertised increased energy, not sleepiness! I read the ingredients and there was nothing in them that stood out to me, so I stopped taking them and my energy levels went back to normal. And I am a very energetic and healthy woman, so this was noticeable for me. I ran through so many thoughts and scenarios but decided to try them again after a couple of days. And it happened again. So then I knew it was the product, not some fluke. 

In the medical world, they have something called a medicine evaluation, when a doctor will take all your pills and examine the patient for their symptoms and outcomes. Decreasing, increasing, removing or adding medicine to a patients regiment. 

In the tax world, the evaluations are called audits. Many companies will run their own audits to ensure legal monetary flow is happening.

The military held evaluations often. These sheets of paper were dreaded by many as they could affect your next promotion. But it was honest feed back from a mentor for your growth.

Math is made up of evaluation in all its equations, expressions, formulas, and functions.

Nature holds its version of evaluating, too… some fish will not outgrow its tank. Mint spreads within its container. The ph balance will affect the growth of plants. Prey will smell the air to sense predators. Trees have been investigated to release signals in their roots to create their own ecosystem and alert one another of goodness or the bad…hmmm, wonder why we are referred to as trees? 

Evaluation simply means examining or calculating the importance, amount, or value of something… looking for results.

When is the last time you took an audit of your body, soul and mind? 

Honestly look at how you feel, and state the truth. Do you have burdens that need to be valued and released? What do you continually ingest that needs to be held up to the Word of God and judge its value in your life? Messiah is our standard. 

Thoughts stink? Hold them up. Got burdens? Well, stop holding those up and cast them away. 

Proverbs 14:12, 16:25

There is a way that seems right to a man but the ends are the ways of death. 

Sometimes we have convinced ourselves that we are okay but the fruit is showing something different. 

When I was allowing my thoughts to run wild, my body knew it and reacted accordingly. When my soul was hurting, my thoughts were not lovely and it affected my actions. 

When I ingested those supplements it immediately started a reaction inside of my body that produced results. 

The body of Messiah is taking things that are not producing LIFE. Her normal self should be healthy, joyous, relational, and BUBBLING over into all that she does… Something has to go!!!

When I wanted to make changes to my life I went back to the Gospel message and preached it to myself. Body- listen. Soul- obey. Spirit- stir it up. And the Holy One started to reveal what I was taking in that was not LIFE giving. Repent for holding onto the dead works. Have you been baptized?

Then, I made sure I was FILLED with Holy Spirit, not man’s traditional teaching, but by evaluation of Yeshua’s words and the fruit in my life. This grows up our spirit man and promotes unity in the Body. We have listened and believed doctrines and theology far too long and I want RIVERS to bubble up and give life!

Got demons? I had to go get a deliverance and remove the unclean spirits from within my body. This is a hard “pill” for believers, because yes, we got yuck that has to be cast out. It is not normal for the Body of Messiah and causes most sickness, disease, and disfunction. I wonder if the lethargy of the believers is due to some spirits that have convinced us that what we are taking as “supplements” is actually hurting us and keeping us from being effective? 

My thoughts had to be cleaned up by renewing the mind. Put in the Word and let it become truth IN me. The lack of Gospel, demons and life choices created thought patterns that have to stop and new patterns developed. This takes vulnerability and a community of accountable partners. 

Forgiveness is one of the most talked about and yet seemingly least understood but one of the most valuable commodities in the Kingdom. It is like the air we breathe because we can pick up offense simply by hearing something. Breath in Yahweh and that heavenly currency, and breath out that yuck and release. Forgiveness is a powerful weapon in the hand of a believer, it is a pill worth swallowing. This should be an audit we hold daily. 

Community, all this has to be done in a community that promotes growth and protects one another. Your identity is not unto itself, it is for the Kingdom and can only be discovered in a group. Most of our hurts and wounds come from relational conflict, so healing happens within the Body of Messiah. Unfortunately most westerners have not experienced authentic community to even have capacity to understand this. BUT, it is where your biggest and most life giving results will happen. Just because it might not be real in your mind does not mean that it is truth. There is a way that seems right, but the ends are death… 

EVALUATE your life, take an audit and really ask what is valuable to you. Some like their lethargy, ineffectiveness, lack of joy, and fear. I was not satisfied nor desired the old any longer. 


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