What is the "Will of the Father"

Trying to squeeze this time in is proving to be a bit more difficult than I thought. I am having to dedicate a bit more time to homeschooling, cooking, cleaning, farming, and somehow getting this house organized. I have some home improvement projects that I would really like to do. That website Pinterest is proving to be a daydreamers nightmare!!! So many amazing ideas and yet so little time (or $$$) to get it all done. We have lived in this house for a year and really do need to get upgrades, improvements, and finish settling in. This can become overwhelimg, and some days crippling because I start to feel inadequate and unaccomplished. How do I manage to get it all done and stay rooted and grounded without letting the things around me affect who I am or what I am suppose to be doing?

STOPPP!!!!! Stop stressing,and worrying. Regroup, and concentrate on what is important. #1, am I being obedient to God's word? That is all that matters. Everything else will fall into place. How do I know that, because the Word says so. "The steps of a good man (or woman) are ordered of the Lord." Psalms 37:12, 119:105 So He will show us the way. In the meantime of being shown our path, what do we do? I mean do we just stumple through this life? Wondering, waiting, and pondering? I do not believe so.

There is a huge market in today's world for people buying books and going to seminars to "show them the way," "find their destiny," and uh oh, "purpose driven life." The first issue I have is if you are driven to do something, it is not of God. Let me repeat that, if you are driven to do something, it is not of God. God does not drive us to do something, He leads us. Psalm 139:4, 27:11. Like a shepard. How does the shepherd walk? Behind us gently guiding and proding with His Shepherd's staff. When we are in His "hook" so to speak, we will KNOW, and FIND, and our path will be DEFINED! The Shepherd only leads along the lighted, narrow, and straight path. And few will find it or be on it. Let that be a clue. Matthew 7:14, Luke 13:23,24. Take a look at this one Isaiah 35:8- ..."it will only be for those who walk in God's way;"

The enemy likes to drive us. If we make hasty decisions, feel driven to perfection, or that inside uneasiness of 'something has to be done'. Usually it is fear motivating as we are not waiting upon the Shepherd to guide, convict and lead. Read Numbers 32:21, Leviticus 26:36, and Amos 9:4. There always seems to be a connection in the enemy doing the driving or one being driven into the enemy versus us driving the enemy out! So let us be careful in what we might be feeling and hold those thoughts captive. Learn to quiet the soul and mind. Check those spirits that might be trying to get you to react to something so that you do not see the hand of God.

Back to the above verse in Isaiah, this Way, Truth, and Life will only be found by a few. So if it only found by a few, why then do we have 40,000 different Christian religions? How do we know and find what is right? 2Timothy 2:15. Study the Word! Did you know there is nowhere in the Bible that says to read it? It commands us to Study it! Ok, so few will find it, few will be on it, and few will know it.

So what is it??!! Let's go to Matthew 7, but before hand understanding a bit of context. This is during the famous Sermon on the Mount. Jesus or Yeshua has this huge crowd following him and he has to sit on the side of a mountain to teach them. Some reports there were upwards of 20,000 people listening to him. What made him so interesting to listen to? These were not new words that the people were hearing because about 2000 years prior at Mount Sinai the words were already delivered. What made him so appealing is that the religious leaders of the day had been building up religious barriers around God's original laws and they were making the oral as holy as those commandments and the people could not distinguish what were God's Laws or Man's Laws. Yeshua was stripping away all the gunk and layers and exposing those additions to God's Laws as bogus. He was showing that they had the WAY to access God and that religious leaders were skewing it all up.

Ok, so Matthew 7:21-29. I am going to paraphrase here "Not everyone... will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who do the Will of my Father..." But I called unto you Jesus and did all these great things in your name... look at what I did! I mean come on I taught this, gave to these, and even had miracles performed. And He says "Get away from me..." Wait a second, time out... but it was all good stuff? And after all that, nothing?

Here is the key, the second part of verse 23, "you who break God's laws." But this is the Son speaking here, so what does he mean? John 5:19 says that he does what he sees the Father do and can do nothing apart from that. Jesus is under the Will of His Father and has to do what the Father says to do. What does the Father say to do? John 14:15 says if we love him we will obey him. John 15:10 says that to be in his love is to obey his commandments just as he did. 1John 2:3-6 says it all over again, those who say who love Jesus are to do as he did which was obey the Father.

So, you ask, how does this all have to do with the Will of the Father? EVERYTHING! To be in his will, to walk in his will, and to know his will all stem from one thing. DO His Will. Obey Him. Period. Jesus showed us that it does not matter what good things you do in His name if you do not obey what the FATHER has said to do.

There was no New Testament at that time. Let that sink it for a bit. Before the NT, what did these Bible keeping people keep? Matthew 5:17 says that Jesus did not come to destroy the Old Testament, but to uphold it! He goes on to say if we break one little commandment and teach others to break them we will be least in the Kingdom!

Psalm 132:2- He lifts His Word above His name.

His name is great, and worthy of praise, but His Word is everlasting and will not change. If we truly believe that He is God and is the same, than His Word and what He has spoken is the same for us as it was for them so many years ago. We are almost 2000 years removed from when our Savior walked this earth and if they had it all screwed up when he was teaching, how much more have we screwed it up?


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