Prophecy coming alive?

I and a few others feel some urgency in our world to start trimming our lamps and making sure we have spare oil. We do not want to be caught unprepared or unready. I do not believe in coincidences and recently I have been seeing some things that require a second glance. So please bare with me as I introduce something to you and encourage you to be a Barean in Acts 17:10-12. Some call it Eschatology, a Biblical study of prophecy. I enjoy it as it causes me to dig deeper and ask for knowledge to understand what is going on around me. Also, Paul encourages us to seek prophecy as it edifies the body, 1Cor 14. It comforts us as it gives us a little glimpse into what our God is up to. I really hope you enjoy my little study!!

In Genesis 1:14 we are introduced to a seasons of feasts, using a concordance, look up "signs" and "seasons" in Hebrew. H226 and H4150. For "seasons", H4150 with the root H3259 the transliteration means appointed times, place, sacred season, set feast, a meeting and a fix appointment. So the sun, moon and stars were given, not for English meaning of Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer, but for us to know when to meet our Creator and when He wanted to meet with us!

According to the Bible there are 7 feasts. These are not "Jewish" as God says in Lev 23, that they are His. I believe He did that on purpose so that man and their religions could not claim them or push them off onto others. And if they are His, who are we to say that they are for so and so? Unfortunately the Jews have been the only ones who have observed them. However God is waking up His people. Isaiah 66:22-23 (new heaven and new earth!!) and Zechariah 14:16 that "in those days" we will be doing the feasts for eternity!! That is along time.

I want to ask this question. Do you believe that satan could mess up the calendar? Do you think he can get the mind of man twisted about the sun, moon and stars? Could he get us to pervert it? I shunned studying the heavens because I did not want to get into "astrology" but how amazing "astronomy" truly is! Totally different. So I think satan has tainted it. Take a look at Isaiah 14:12-14 in particularly vs 13 and the word "congregation." In the transliteration the word is the same as in Genesis 1:14, season, or H4150. So satan says he will be like the Most High and He will pervert the very creation that God made! Almost sounds like the story of the flood when God saw that His creation was perverted. What did He do about that?

Let me line up a few things, the Feasts are Gods and no man can claim them. Satan has made it his master plan to obscure them and get men twisted into thinking they are not important. And I say that because if they are not important or have not even been in our minds to understand them, than why in the next 2-3 years do 6 major lunar and solar ecplises fall on those exact dates? Just a curious happening, or are the heavens trying to tell us something?

Jesus said in Luke 21:25- "And there shall be signs in the sun and the moon..." Why would he refer to that? Things will happen with our solar system that might point to something... but to what you might say?? When we understand what His appointments are and why He created those fixed dates then we start to see the message He is trying to send us. We do not know the day or the hour, that has been made clear and anyone who claims to know is in violation of the Word. Yet, I think we can know the seasons and that as God speaks, knocks, and calls we should be paying attention.

I challenge you to "study to show thyself approved" and to not just read it. Break out the concordances and start looking up meanings and transliterations. Hosea 4:6 "my people perish for lack of knowledge". This is not a a fear or even a salvation issue, this is about not being caught unawares as a theif in the night! This is a 10 virgins with oil in their lamps, 5 are ready and 5 are not. This is about being prepared and knowing that our Savior returns soon! If we think these things are not important, than we take prophecy for granted. Revelations 1:3

Resources, check them out
tetrad- or 4 blood moons 2014-15

Eschatology- the study of prophecy-

neat article that ties dates and science together a bit better than me-

Intense Study videos-


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