My latest reading

I completed the Beth Moore book, Why godly people do ungodly things. I was hoping to uncover somethings about others in my life. Answer a few unanswered questions. Ha, you know when you approach something with that kind of attitude, I do believe it can become humbling. And I know it was for me.

She took the approach about how we are all succeptible to Satan's attack. He doesn't just creep in overnight and lay victory. A spirit filled child of the King can over time lose their grip and do things that are ungodly. And we aren't just talking immoral sexual sins. Anything that isn't in light of God's word is living in sin.

I actually found victory over a huge stumbling block in my life. And that is my conscience. Yes, I talk the gospel, I live the gospel, but my mind has been under such bondage. And it comes from not letting the full work of the cross overcome it. Trusting God when he says He has cast my sins into the sea of forgetfullness, He actually did. For me to still hold onto the guilt is not letting Christ do the full work of what he came for. It's like punishing myself over and over. Feeling tormented. And he said His burden was easy and His yoke light.

My favorite quote from her book was about how we aren't innocent by any means but that our conscience is clear of guilt.

So after some prayer and fasting this week, my steps are lighter and I am ready to face any giant!


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