5 weeks and going strong

So we've been homeschooling for 5 weeks now. I often wonder if what I am doing is the right thing. We are not an early rising family that jumps right into workbook activities. We take our time in the morning and then roll into devotion and a group study of whatever has taken fancy. Right now it's about the 50 states. We have this electronic encyclopedia that they read up on and then fill me in on the details. Math and Spelling I am still trying to figure out. Right now it's a hodge-podge of free websites that I find. Reading has been fairly easy. Writing being one of the hardest subjects to find motivation for. I find that as long as I time writing to be one of the subjects to knock out first than the rest is fairly easy.

I see some big changes in the boys. They definitely play better together. For the most part. They have their moments! The whole un-schooling portion has been quite trying at times. The kids are having to see me as their constant authority. Whereas before I could seperate the teacher and mother role...now it's all rolled into one. There are those moments when they talk about their old school life. I try to just listen and let them know that we are making new memories. I hope that they are more joyous than before.

We have learned a few things that before we wouldn't have been able to because of it interferring with their 7-3 schedule. We have been searching for a house and in the process helped a family member dig out their stuck tractor. The kids were able to see first hand how adults try to weigh their odds. It was quite the adventure!

So, now that I am becoming comfortable in the new routine, it's time to start branching out and meeting new people. Our first venture will be a Valentine's party held at another homeschooling family's home. Kids are excited!


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