
This blog was written a few years ago. I have sense been convicted that I had missed the mark. Holiday have nothing to do with how we "feel" about them. They either do or don't represent something. A really good video about these would be Truth or Tradition on Youtube. Any other questions I would be happy to address!

It has taken me many years to get into the spirit of Christmas. Is it idolatry? Are we bowing down to a pagan ritual? I passed off those thoughts and eventually realized that it's what you make of it. What are the holiday's truly about? I mean we tell our kids the Biblical accounts and we keep "Christ" in Christmas, but why do we make it a special occasion? I found my heart's burning questions!
I was reading a book recently called Across the Kitchen Table by Pamela Read Von Gohren. She writes about home education for our children and some of her observations. I have been thinking about homeschooling my children and broke out all my books to seek some answers. She dedicated a whole chapter to traditions and she tied it into the Old Testament. During the many years the children of Israel wondered the desert God himself gave them feasts and days of celebrations. Some of them lasting several days. He didn't do it for them to build golden idols and worship them, He did it so they could be together and reflect on their abundance that He provided. He desires us to be together. To pull our resources and enjoy each other's company with Him being the focal point.
I am so thankful that I can give these holidays to my children and teach them some traditions. Not to get caught up in the rituals but what it's about. Of course I need to remember that myself as I prepare! I mean yesterday I baked about 18 dozen cookies for the young folks here who won't be going home and by the end I was cranky! Not sure if that teaches them anything right now but it is something we do every year to give a little of ourselves for those who don't have anything.
Hunter and I rang the Salvation Army bell together. It was a great time! We also will be giving to less fortunate children as well. These things teach them that even though we don't have a whole lot ourselves we can still give. We are well blessed above and beyond we could ever deserve.


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