Merry Christmas to all

I just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year! We have so much to be thankful for. "The Lord Gives and the Lord Takes away. Blessed be His Name"

Just a quick little Christmas letter from us.
We are in California for just a few more months. Louis is retiring and we are moving back to Texas. That's the plan for now!
We survived all the fires and rains of this year. We live in such a moderate area that to see other places get slammed with snow and floods makes us thankful! However beautiful we are ready to get back to family.
We gained a beautiful daughter this year! Irelynn Rose. She is now six months.
Jorryn started Kindergarten and has grown up so much.
Hunter is in 2nd grade and is losing all his teeth!
Me- raising my babies oh, and I graduated with my BS this year! Yeah!
Louis- just trying to slide under the radar for a few more months. Thank you hunnie for all your service to our country!
I hope you all cherish your families this year and remember the reason for the season! JESUS!
Love to all, the Alcosers


  1. You have precious children! Glad you'll be moving a little bit closer to AR in a few months. :)



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