Frogs and science

"26 For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: 27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; 28 And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: 29 That no flesh should glory in his presence. 30 But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: 31That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord."
ICorinthians 1:26-31
Last night Louis and I watched the new movie by Ben Stein called 'Expelled'. Talk about convicting yet solidifying of one's faith. So that I don't ruin it for you, it's basically about how the Science community is under fire. Our society either puts you in 2 categories. A believer in Evolution or ID (intelligent design). And if you are a creationist you are on the black list. And don't you dare talk science and intelligent design in the same sentence.
I grew up believing in God created the heavens and the earth. Period. But never really took the time to just sit back and breath that all in. It takes faith. Yet those who don't believe in it also have faith. Evolution takes faith, too. I mean you have to have some great faith to believe you went from nothing to a single celled amoeba all in some kind of happening. The chances of which are like 1 trillion-trillion-trillion of 250 different proteins aligning and possibly combining to grow ONE cell. Ha, that's a lottery that cannot possibly happen. So you see that takes some faith. Imagine if those folks who put so much effort into that kind of faith had a heart change? WOW!
So this has me thinking of what my children are learning. They are being met with these evolutionary theories everyday. They were a single cell, crawling out of soup, changing into monkies, and then cavemen and now humans. Crawling around, headed for death just so that mankind might evolve into something more supreme.
Are you kidding me?! And you wonder why there are problems in this world? Why care about the sactity of marriage? LIFE? Kids committing suicide? Why bother living or let life live when it's just serving the purpose of what? Human kind progressing to be something more? Sounds like the tower of Babel to me...let's reach the status of gods....
Dear Lord, please come quickly for these people are lost and do now know you. Help me to be a light and show them Your Way. You are I AM.
So you see my dear readers that's why Amber won't believe in anything but creation.
During the movie there were many inverviews from scientists around the globe. They all made mention that in the US, scientists are restricted from studying anything but what is "accepted" science. And if they do study or theorize anything else they are shunned. Somehow to me that is not freedom.
I kid you not, in the midst of these interviews Louis happened to mention that if this is truly the case and this freedom of science is being taken away then the 20 years he has spent serving our freedoms has been for naught.
I love science and have passed on that love to my children. It's becoming evident that I will have to do more to make sure that they can understand WHY we believe. I think that it is important to understand both sides of the argument so that they can witness to others. Not judge them but to be a light in this world as well.
So this week, we have tadpoles! Metamorphisis is amazing. Our little froggies don't have legs yet but are just happy swimming around in their little pool. Thanks G! She gave it to Jorryn for his B-day gift 8 mos ago. It took the company that long to send them. So they are leopard frogs and are names Marty and Sparkles. I will post more progress and lessons we have learned from our these amazing little creatures. I added a picture of our adventure with the raccoons in the front yard tree and Irelynn in her jumping device while I gardened. She's growing so fast. 5 months old already! Oh yeah, do you love seeing the sandals still? LOL!


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