cool breezes and reflections

It's fast approaching the Hoilday's and closing of another year. WOWIE!! Amazing how fast things fly by. A slight recap for my new audience. Let's see...oh yeah, Irelynn was born! My five year old started Kindergarten. And we are now within a fast approaching 6 month window to retirement!! Ha! Yep, I am 29 years old and retiring! Made my millions in the military and now it's time to sit by the lake and drink coffee until noon. Yeah right. Nope, I married an older man and he has served 20+ years. Louis joined out of highschool. Many deployments later, a new baby, and his heart has changed. He is ready to settle near family and raise our family without being sent to the war torn countries. He has served, and done his time. I admire his dedication to this country. I couldn't hack it. I served 4 years and was DONE! Wow, I have been around the AF for 10 years now.

This time of the year always brings back reflections for now that I am done strolling down memory lane for a bit...But it's also a time here in CA when the cooler breezes start to flow in. This time of year brings about change on this earth but most recently a change I had.

I have only a few more minuted before my daughter will finish her cat nap. But I do want to write about something. Since I am striving for a wholly life...balance in all that I do. I wanted to comment on an experience I recently had. Healing Prayer.

The power of prayer. Amazing. Simply amazing. "Be still and know that I am God!" Not just prayer about me, me, me and everyone around us, but sitting there and listening to the Holy Spirit. He does speak. "Speak Lord for your servant listens..." Many times it's easy to kneel for a few minutes and say our quickies. But when was the last time you just read the Word and waited for God to reveal himself? I challenge my readers to learn more about it. I am so thankful for my friend H who introduced it to me. If you read this H, I am blessed to have you in my life. God is doing a work and "He who started a good work in you is faithful to complete to the end..." all my scriptures above are paraphrased because I have to make this quick but are hidden in my heart from years of memorization. But just the other day after a morning of some more Healing prayer I was asking the Lord to fill me in an area I felt void. He refreshed my memory about mana. The mana he gave the children of Israel in their wonderings after Egypt. I don't know if you have ever read much about it, but the mana was fulfilling. It met their every physical need for food. When Jesus talked about himself in the New Testiment he told his disciples that He being God's son was our mana. He used the phrase I AM the bread. Not that he was something to take and met our need, but that is our everything. Something to cling to and not let go.

It was very refreshing to know that even though I can get caught up in my emotions of not being met here on earth I can stop and cling to Jesus. He is all I need.

It also can be tied into the above paragraph of our fast approaching retirement. It can be so easy to stress and worry about this or that. The economy, our house, schools, family. But if God can take care of the sparrow, he can take care of me. Why? Because I mean sooo much more that that bird for I was made in HIS image!!!

Incase I don't have time to jump on here before Thanksgiving I hope that you all have a great one and that you also reflect on this year. Count your blessings! The Lord gives and the Lord takes away...blessed be His name.


  1. Are you a true neighbor! You are not just one of those. You are one of those that I strive to be. It is in your stength that I am able to do. I feel that just like our cerman last Sunday (fishing) you pulled me in and now I can have a fresh start. It is the little things in life that mean so much to others that we often really can't see ourselves. I have so much thankfulness for you and your family. We have only yet begun the road of friendship and faith.

  2. Love your blog! Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers over Marshall. I do believe he will get through's just hard, for all of us. Your little girl is beautiful and I love her name. Get some rest and tell Hunter Marshall says "Hello"! I'll check back often.

  3. Amber

    I love your blog!

    I think it is incredibly special to hear you remembering those verses you learned as a child. Wow, that makes me feel old.... :)



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