Greco/Roman Renaissance Art vs Hebraic Thought

I feel as if the Lord's table is coming under a world wide magnifying glass. Interestingly, I wrote a short something last month about communion and that it was not a religious event but a dining together. Then last week I posted a reel that has hundreds and now thousands of views. The Paris events has the world watching the responses and I do not think it is what others are considering. 

Watching so many folks get upset about the parody had me taking a step back to see it from a removed perspective. (which by the way, I found over 55 parodies on the internet and no one has banned or boycotted the other entertainers!!)

Why are we so upset over the world view?

Why are we banging away on the keyboard to post our angst over an iconic picture?

Is DaVinci's view of a religious commissioned painting really a symbol of our King?

Have we elevated the Messiah to a depicted Roman table standing with twelve men posed around it? Forgetting one was not a friend? 

Did you know that the meal that is to be represented in that famous picture was the Passover meal? Instructed allllllll the way back in Egypt. 

Do we even honor that meal together or do we give preference to it as an ideology? (which is Roman thought, we think about it but do not obey it)

Christ did not lose his mission, perspective, or grace for the evening as the betrayer sat next to him. As a matter of fact, at the passover meal he made note of the heart of Judas and his intent and carried on the meal without skipping a beat. Can you imagine sitting next to the very person you know is despising you and plotting your death? And not saying a word to the rest of the table mates? Most cannot even refrain from posting something, so pretty sure silence is not our strength and that we would be blabbing all night, day, and weeks... then needing therapy, counselors, pastor calls, and sleep meds. 

The world will do what the world will do. 

The King showed us how to behave when we are mocked and betrayed. He even told us what to do- Rejoice! Matthew 5:11-12. It is a pattern and a cycle to be made fun of, discounted, lied about, and spoken against. Even those who claim the name of Jesus do this to one another ALL THE TIME. Yet, the King said when we get it figured out, then the world will know He is for real. Can you sit at the table knowing someone is out to get you but relish that the others are for you! 

I think we get a fat F again. More spent time stating what they are against and pointing out how awful it is and how indignant they are over the horror of it all than actually doing what the Master gave instructions to do. 

I think we need a revisit of the whole chapter five of Matthew and guess what, we get to go through it again and again until we get it right!

Be Happy! Be very glad! 


Cause your reward is great!

But the darkness is creeping in!

It is getting so bad out there!


Where is your light and salt?

If you believe you have the Creator residing INSIDE you, why do you even need to react? 

Did you know that the mark of a mature believer is how you love? Read the end of Chapter five of Matthew... he ends it with being perfect as our Father is. 

Yep, you are gonna get another chance in being perfected!

Another chance to revisit that dinner table with those you consider enemies. 

The table of the Lord is not a religious cracker and shot glass done in a church service. It is spending quality time breaking a loaf of bread together and walking in love with one another. It is actually doing the One Another Commands that the King instructed us to do. It is reaching out to your neighbors and inviting them into this communion. The breaking of bread and sipping on wine is a long time, ancient as a matter of fact, act of establishing covenant and relationship. 

What about digging into an understanding of the Passover meal that the Master reinstituted that night as they remembered Egypt and being set free? He did not reinvent the Father's instructions, he brought a fullness and revelation to it that has been replaced with Roman traditions. What about how the Jewish believers felt when their meaningful meals were replaced with anti-semitic rhetoric because the rising church wanted nothing to do with roots of Hebrew/Judaic faith? So then we have adopted the artistic depictions of the Last Supper and it is not even a proper representation. Then we get mad at a worldly event mocking Roman roots!

The meal that is to be represented in these pictures has meaning all the way back to Egypt. The Pharaoh's court mocked them, beat them, and demanded more from them. The gods even were on display! Replicating more harm and plagues. Let them mock. Let them roar loud. For our God is a consuming fire and he does not need our indignant reactions to put himself on display. Let's be a happy people who trust in Yeshua! He laughs in the heavens at their scheming! 

Let us be known as a people who sit down at the meal in peace knowing that our Master is in control.

Did you also know that the weekly sabbath meal is a reflection of remembering passover and creation? So each week we get to remember, reflect, and try again. 

I like Eric Tokajer's view, too!


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