I have become my parents

After drinking our first batch of Kombucha, I realized I have become my parents 20 years ago. I can remember hating all those healthy things we would eat and drink and yet here I am, making it all. Yet, I have to say... it was not that bad! My children even tried it and liked it!

I guess now as an adult I can appreciate what my parents were trying to do; keeping us healthy. And isn't that what all of us parents want to do? We desire to last long to see our great grand children and want to instill healthy lifestyles in ours, right? So... I called my mom and admitted that I have become them and that it wasn't so bad... ouch, that hurt just a tad!

It has been a while since I have blogged and am wanting to get back into it. We have had so much happen in the past several months (really years) and I have what I think is important knowledge to get out of my brain and share will my whole 1 follower. :)

Today is also Sabbath Preparation day... and there is a loaf of fresh ground whole wheat bread cooking. Ahhh, yes, another activity that my youth included... grinding the wheat berries and making bread. BUT! I use a bread maker now!!!! However the last few tries have yielded some fallen loaves. So when I perfect that recipe I will share it. Making breads and baking at 7,600 feet is a whole new art. I used to pride myself in all my baking... now it is the grill.

I am going to tie in Kombucha and Sabbath here... so hold on! Sabbath has become special for us and we look forward to the rest and down time together. We have been trying to enjoy the 4th Commandment for a little over 3 years now. And what a blessing it has been for us. Abba said He would honor those who honor Him and we have truly seen His blessing on us. May I challenge you all to recap the top of the page with how parents really do want the best for their children. Even when the kiddos fight it and do not understand it. Then somehow as the years go by if the parents really showed love and good will towards the children the light bulb starts to come on. Ahhh, yes! My parents meant me no harm by having a daily intake of that nasty Kombucha tea drink... but I fought it cause it made no sense to me. Why drink that despicable mushroom concoction when I could have fresh brewed sweet tea. They wanted to see my health and body nourished with what they thought would be beneficial. And it really is a good drink for us... I mean, if we knew 20 years ago what the grocery stores would be offering now... we would be the rich Kombucha heirs! Maybe there can be a slight spiritual tie into all this? What if we found delight in God's Word and applying it to just one instruction at a time? Ahh, really Papa, do I have to stop all my crazy running around in circles for one day and enjoy some down time with those I love? I just do not understand it... and don't want to choke it down!! I want to do things my way!! HA! Guess that is why we are called children.

There are so many things we do not completely understand at times. I mean, it was not until a few short days ago that I understood the health benefits of drinking that weird tea, again. Yet, the benefits are good for me and my health. The same is for taking one day and setting it aside and spending time with our Creator... He did say He made that day for us, right? So why not give it a whirl and give back to Him the time He deserves. He also said that once He reigns on earth we will be keeping it with Him... so I say, let's get a head start! And drink your tea!!!

I am thinking about some upcoming topics:
Adoption- our experience and addition
Prepping and storage
Kombucha growth and flavors
Fresh Milk adventures
Spiritually speaking- healing and growth
Feasts Days
Sabbath and how we do it


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