as a watchman on the wall

I feel that recently the Lord has told me to be a watchman on the wall. What does that mean exactly? I am still learning! However, I think it means what a watchman does, alerts of danger. They see it coming, call out to warn, and stand guard. So what am I watching or watching for? To sound an alert to the nations that our time is soon ending. Life as we know it is going to come to a swift end and quickly. Did we really think that life would just keep going as all the gross things happen around us?

I sound my trumpets to those of you who listen. It is a warning. Repent. Cleanse yourselves and stand right before your Maker. Not man. Man will not be your judge, the Ancient One will be. Everything you do, you will be held accountable for. Put away the doctrines of man and LEARN GOD's WAYS! We live in a time where we have allowed mixed worship and God hates mixed worship. Ezekiel 8 lays it out. Also in Revelations Yahweh tells the church that is lukewarm, I'd rather you were hot or cold, but the mixture gets spit out. Are we going to be spit out?


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