Proof in the puddin'

I cannot believe it has been over two years since my last entry. So much has happened and changed that I feel I cannot catch up! I will try my best. I hope this first re-entry is not too long or drawn out. Trying to cram two and half years into it and keep it simple is hard!

I have decided to start keeping the whole Book and nothing but the Book so help us Yahweh. My new blogging will be about that journey and I hope you follow along! There is a wholeness in finding out what makes our body, soul and spirit unite and function properly. It is all done out of love and a message that God has put on my heart to you all. Ezekiel 3:17- ..."I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel (that is all of us who claim the Lord) therefore hear the word at my mouth and give them a warning from me."

I decided to go back to blogging because I need an outlet to express myself. For one, Facebook isn't appropriate and will be ignored. At least by blogging if I lose an audience I will not feel as bad. Our Savior told us that he did not come to bring peace but a sword because His words were going to divide people. Matthew 10:34. Which if you remember the prophecy over king David, his house would always carry a sword, and out of whose house did Jesus come? Hebrews 4:12 says that the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. It will divide folks!!! People will either hear it or not!

Many of the messages I feel heavy on my heart are not going to be these feel good messages heard by modern churches. People are hurting and feeling so lost in today's world because what they have been fed is not real meat. The Bible has been watered down and folks are starving. People CAN handle the truth. Psalms 42:7 says that the "deep calls unto the deep." Meaning that the Spirit of the Lord inside each person calls to Him. The Spirit will resignate in man and ignite the fire when truth is spoken. The truth can only do ONE thing, set you free (John 8:32)

Most will think my words are crazy or far fetched. Some have called me legalistical or seeking things beyond the comprehension of most folks. Or seeking favor with God. All I can ask is this, was God legalistical in the Garden of Eden when He gave ONE commandment to Adam and Eve? Was He not trying to protect them from something? Is He not smarter than they were or even us today when He can see the bigger picture? So is God legalistical OR protecting us from something? Have we been fed a wrong doctrine?

I do not have all the answers and never will pretend to, but I will give a real message with real back up. Proof is in the pudding.

2 1/2 year Recap:

June of 2010 we went through a devestating camping flood. I can't call it a "regular" flood situation for us because we were not home. We had a home to return to. None the less it was still crazy and frightening. If you want to learn more my facebook page has the pictures and short story to go with it. Cut down version here, basicly Yahweh (that's what I call God since that is his name) woke me up with a dream that something devastating was about to happen to our travel trailer. I woke up my husband who thought I was over reacting however within minutes as we climbed to safety with 6 kids did he realize that it was for real! That was an eye opener for me that Yah still speaks to his people, and I wanted more.

Fastforward to January 4, 2011 I had another dream. In this dream I would lay my hands on people and they would be healed. I awoke wondering what that meant. I mean, come on I know the New Testament has those great and awesome stories but is that for now? And Me? Come on Yahweh, do you still do those things?

Then in March 2012 I was revisited by the Holy Spirit one night after an intense message I heard followed by prayer that yes that dream over a year ago was real and I was to get ready for it. What? Huh? Okay Yahweh, show me.

In April there was some intense restoration in my life with relationships and physical healings. Miracles only from the Most High.

May 2012 I attended a conference held by Be In Health and my spiritual eyes were opened beyond anything I have ever known. Our "modern churches" do not feed us or teach us properly. We have been starved the truth. There were more miracles and healings in our family.

Summer 2012 I filled myself with alot of head knowledge forgetting that Yahweh can teach and give wisdom. Man may have tidbits but they do not have it all and the more we claim to know we really do not know. Count it as loss if we pursue the knowledge of man versus Yahweh. Great leasons to learn.

Fall 2012, we have participated with every feast this year and at three of them I experienced the Holy Spirit's movement more than any other time of my life. I was convicted at the fall feast of tabernacles that my obedience to the Word is not dependant upon other people and to be a pleasing daughter of the Most High I need to just Do It! And to not seek the blessings in obedience but the delight in just doing what Abba in heaven says to do. The pluses and bonuses are the blessings!! It has to be "better to give than receive."

Again, the proof IS in the pudding. Can I deny the power?


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