Can't find a title

I couldn't decide on what to put as the title of this post. It's like I can write about our current trials, my recent reading, my thankfulness study, or the homeschooling. But I think I will just give an update.
First, I need new pictures! I am going to dress the kids up today and get them in among the spring wildflowers growing on the property. Between house hunting and homeschooling I feel like life is just blurring on by.
Kids are doing great. Thankful that the weather is finally turning nice again. I was beginning to wonder if we really moved to South Texas at all!
We are trying to find out own place to call home. We have been living in my in-laws second house out in the country. We still don't have our belongings as they are in storage and I am starting to get really frustrated. Especially with teaching the kids and not having all my books and supplies. I feel wasteful when I have to make a duplicate purchase on something that I know I have. HOWEVER, in light of being grateful, I cannot complain about our time out here. We have grown to like it our here. It's quiet and peaceful and best of all, free! We just take care of the utilities and taxes. You cannot beat that. Who knows maybe we will just remodel it and stay here for a bit! LORD, please send the trumpet down here and blast in my ear what it is we are to do!!!!

I promise to get some new pictures posted real soon.


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