Time for updates!

I can't believe it's been almost a year since I made my last posting. I guess it's time for some updates. I am sure I don't have that many followers who worry about it!
So for a quick year in recap here we go.
We have retired from the Air Force. Louis served 21 years active duty. During the 7 years we have been married we have lived in North Dakota, Iceland, and California. Now we live in Texas. Which is probably going to be where we call our home state for the rest of our years...God Willing.
Before we moved here to South Texas we lived 3 months in a 23ft travel trailer with 3 kids! Quite the tight space! We took our time moving back to Texas plus banked in some of the money that the AF paid for our housing allowance. The travel trailer experience had its ups and downs for sure, but all in all it brought us closer and definitely more appreciative for space.
We moved into Louis' parent's second house out in the country. We don't plan on being out here too much longer, but it's rent free and in today's economy we aren't complaining.
I will post some of our travels later but for now some of the most recent changes would be the fact that we have decided to homeschool the kids. It has always been a desire of mine but wanted to get some heart issues cleaned up first. God has been faithful to hear that cry of mine. With the gentle persuasion of a neighbor and friends we did it. And then of course they are moving! So I feel a bit dissappointed about that but I know I am smart enough to take it on! It will be okay. First we have to start with some unschooling to help clear out the old practices which is proving challenging. But even now I see some differences in the kids.
Louis will be attending school as well. We haven't found any jobs here so he's going back to school. Then in the midst of all this we found a 1880's Victorian house that needs some serious love. If it works out in the next few months we may have our own really cool place to live in!


  1. Hi Amber, thanks for becoming a follower of my blog! I like your blog background! I hope your homeschool jouney this week has been a good one, and you find that the whole experience of transitioning draws you all closer to each other and God.


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