Random thoughts this Friday...

I know I haven’t been very active on here lately. On my list of to-do’s it’s a low priority. I mean I haven’t even been able to keep up with the laundry. Starting to become a serious issue…
One thing for sure is our retirement! We are in a 4 ½ window now!!!! WOWIE!! I cannot believe I am 30 years old and gonna be a retiree!! Now I am laughing! Well, guess that’s what happens when you marry an older man.
So we are planning this great camping vacation across America. What a hoot it’s going to be.
Our first stop: Yosemite. The process it took for me to even get a reservation on that place is a whole other blog.
After that stop we want to try our hand at panning for gold, sifting for opals and digging dino bones! Stopping at a few breath taking National parks but all in all, just relaxing at various wonderful places our Creator placed on this earth. Can you imagine what it’s going to be like waking up drinking our coffee at some of these places? It will be absolutely amazing.
It was funny because a few days ago we experienced another Vandenberg special: POWER OUTAGE # 23. We should receive special duty pay for those days!
For some of you who may know me I spent some time in my youth without power. We would have it briefly in the evening and on special occasions but for the most part of my stay in Bolivia we had no power. I also grew up without TV, radio, electronics…except for the sewing machine. So for me, a day without power is okay. NOT the end of the world.
However the next day I hear complaint after complaint about how awful it was not to watch their television shows. I mean, REALLY? Life revolves around that? I don’t know, maybe it’s just me…but I think there is more to life than that. So I tried to share that with some folks. HOW BLESSED WE ARE IN the US; when our biggest gripe in life is no power. No entertainment. Some people in the world right now have no heat because of monopolies of huge money hungry countries.
I think some of it stems back to something our pastor said last Sunday. My response to him is, “I want to be on fire for God”. Not stuck in this endless cycle of what’s on TV. and who’s doing what. But more so, what can I do for God? How can he use me? CALL ON ME JESUS BECAUSE YOUR SERVANT IS READY!
If you want to know more or just need to be feed some Word of God, I follow the blog and weekly download to Words of LFC. Check them out, great messages…and they are free!!!
So that’s my ramblings for now. Had to get that off my chest.


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