Taking a stab at it

I have decided to try a new blog place. I have blogged in other locations and such but usually for business and marketing. Since I am not pursuing it right now I thought I might try my hand at this. However it's hard to keep up with my facebook and myspace at the same time. Maybe I should do away with those and keep to one? Hummm, simplicty is always better. I will give it some more thought.
Here are my interests though. God, family, children, simply living, green living, parenting with Love and Logic, and people. Loving other people. Reaching out to them and letting them know that they aren't alone in this world. I wonder all the time if I am doing enough. Is my life a testimony to others. When they meet me are they feeling Christ or are they just categorizing me as "another one of those?" Am I a good enough neighbor? Or friend? Do I worry to much about what they think or am I being me?
Anywho, that's a start! I hope to keep up with this!


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